Our presentation, InnsMobile: Going Mobile in 2 Hours, is available for download now. This is the presentation we gave yesterday at the Mid-Atlantic Conference in Williamsburg, VA. If you missed the seminar, we highly encourage you to have a look. There’s a lot of useful information for anyone shopping for a mobile website. If you’re at the show, be sure to drop by our booth and say hello!
Mid-Atlantic Conference 2012 Presentation
Changing your Theme
Did you know that InnsMobile offers an ever-growing list of themes to choose from? Altering the color scheme of your mobile site to better match your regular website can give it a nicer, more customized touch. Better yet, we’re constantly adding new themes. To browse our themes, simply log into your account and visit the Update My Listing area. Manage your homepage. At the bottom you’ll see a series of links divided into steps. Step 3, Select a Color Scheme for your Listing, will take you to the theme selection screen. You’ll see previews, all of which have a selection button beneath them. Simply click the button beneath the desired theme, and that’s all you need to do!
Do you have a theme request? Facebook or Email us with your request, and you might just find it as a part of the next content update.